
farming in india

 Important information related to linseed cultivation

Important information related to linseed cultivation

The reason for the flaxseed crop being a multipurpose crop has increased the demand for linseed across India nowadays. Linseed is a precious oilseed crop, which is used to prepare medicines along with various industries. Every part of linseed can be used directly and indirectly in many forms. Oil emanating from linseed seeds is often not used as intake, but in making medicines. Its oil is used to produce varnish, paints and lubricants and used to make ink for pad ink and press printing. Its seeds are used in poultry in funes.

High quality fibre is earned through a stem of flaxseed. At the same time, linen is made from fibre. Linseed cake is used as animal feed for animals giving milk. Also, it is used as a compost due to the proper amount of nutritional elements in Khali. The wooden part of the linseed plant and small fibres are used to make paper.

Use manure and fertiliser like this

Nitrogen 50 kg to achieve great production for unirrigated areas. Phosphorus 40 kg. And 40 kg. 100 kg at the rate of potash and in irrigated areas. Nitrogen, 60 kg. Phosphorus and 40 kg. Use at the rate of potash per hectare. In the unirrigated condition, the complete quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus and potash and half the quantity of nitrogen in the irrigated condition and plenty of phosphorus at the time of sowing 2-3 cm by Chogas. Use below. At the same time, in the irrigated condition, the remaining half of the nitrogen should be used as a dressing after the first irrigation. The use of super phosphate is more beneficial for phosphorus.

Irrigate this way in linseed cultivation

This crop is basically sown in unirrigated form. But, where there is a means of irrigation, there is an increase in production by doing two types of irrigation: the first flowers and the second grain.

Perform Khanpatar control in linseed in this way

Mainly flax seeds have weeds like Kushnil, Hirankhuri, Chatri -Matri, Akra -Akari, Wild carrot, Pyaji, Khartua, Satanashi, Bathua and Senji, etc., farmers should take this measure to control these weeds.

Treat this way for control

For management, the first fidelity should be done after 20 to 25 days of sowing and the second nidai after 40-45 days. Pandymethin 30 percent E.C. for weed management by chemical method in linseed crop. Dissolve in 800-1000 litres of water of 3.30 litres per hectare and spray equally in 2-3 days of sowing from flat fan nazil.

Bumper profit will be made from the cultivation of this spice, used from home to restaurant

Bumper profit will be made from the cultivation of this spice, used from home to restaurant

 Farmers can earn a good income by cultivating fennel. The temperature should be between 20 and 30 degrees to get the best yield. If you are bored of cultivating fruits and vegetables, then this news is going to prove to be very useful for you. Farmers can also cultivate spices other than fruits and vegetables to get more profits. So that they will also get bumper benefits. Fennel is a spice that is used from homes to big hotels. Today we will tell you how farmer brothers can become rich by cultivating it.

Fennel is also used in medicines

Fennel is used in various dishes and medicines. Like saffron and vanilla, fennel is also a very expensive spice. Both Kharif and Rabi seasons are good for fennel cultivation. Fennel is sown during Kharif. At the same time, in the rabi season, it can be sown from the last week of October to the first week of November.

How much temperature is needed for fennel cultivation

After turning the soil, make the field uniform by ploughing 3 to 4 plows. During its final ploughing, 150 to 200 quintals of rotten dung manure should be added. After this, mix the manure well in the soil. For the best yield of fennel, it is necessary to have a temperature of 20 to 30 degrees. The demand for fennel has also increased over time.

Also read: Farmers can get good income by producing these major crops in the upcoming rabi season

How is fennel harvested?

For your information, let us tell you that when the farmer brothers fennel is fully ready and when the seeds are fully ripe and dry, then start harvesting the bunches. After harvesting fennel, dry it in the sun for a couple of days. To get the green color of fennel, it should be dried in shade for 10 to 12 days.

 Fennel is used from home to hotels. Many people are interested in eating fennel. People also consume fennel to make their mouth feel fresh.

 Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Farmers cultivating this variety of groundnut will earn excellent income.

Groundnut variety D.H. 330 can be cultivated even in areas with low water availability. Groundnut is grown in states like Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Due to drought in these states, farmers face a lot of challenges in peanut production. Due to less rainfall here, the yield of groundnut is less. Besides, the income of the farmer brothers is also less. In such a situation, today we have the peanut variety D.H. We are going to give information about 330, which requires less water for its cultivation.

When is groundnut sown?

For your information, let us tell you that peanuts are sown in July. It starts germinating 30 to 40 days after sowing. After flowering, pods start appearing in it. If there is a possibility of low rainfall and drought in your area, its productivity will not decline. For this, 180 to 200 mm of rainfall is sufficient.

Soil preparation for groundnut cultivation

To prepare the soil, irrigate it once after plowing the field. After sowing, when the plants start producing pods, cover the soil around the roots of the plants. Due to this, pods are produced well. Soil preparation is very important for better crop productivity.

 Also read: Prevent the pests and diseases that most affect the groundnut crop in this way

How to get good production of peanuts?

Farmers can spray organic fertilizers at the time of sowing the crop to increase the production of groundnut. Apart from this, mix Indole Acetic in 100 liters of water and keep spraying it on the crop from time to time.

Also read: Prevention of white braided pest is very important for good yield of groundnut.

Protection of groundnut crops from diseases

There is a high possibility of collar rot disease, tick disease, and termite attack in groundnut crops. For this, fungicides like Carbendazim, Mancozeb, and a 2.5 kg quantity of Manganese Carbamate should be mixed in 1000 liters of water and sprayed about 4 to 5 times at intervals of 15 days. Farmer brothers were given this variety of groundnut by D.H. For best production from the sowing of 330 and information related to any disease, take advice from agricultural experts and scientists.

The most important nutrient for banana cultivation, symptoms of lack of potash and technique of managing it

The most important nutrient for banana cultivation, symptoms of lack of potash and technique of managing it

Potash, also known as potassium (K), is one of the necessary macronutrients required for healthy growth of all plants, including bananas. Potassium plays an important role in various physiological processes within plants, such as photosynthesis, enzyme activation, osmoregulation and nutrient. Lack of potash in banana plants has a harmful effect on their growth, fruit growth and overall productivity. Let's know about the major symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants and various strategies to manage it ....

Symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants

Potassium deficiency in banana plants is manifested through many types of symptoms that affect different parts of the plant. It is important to understand these symptoms for timely diagnosis and effective management. Some common symptoms of lack of potash in banana plants are as follows:

ALSO READ: How to manage the growing thrips in banana cultivation in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh due to monsoon active in September?

Symptoms of lack of potash on leaf

Brown of the edges of the leaf: The edges of the old leaves become brown and dry, this condition is called leaf scorching. 

Turning of leaves: The leaves turn up or downwards, which distorts their form. 

Yellowing among the veins: The yellow of leaf tissue between the veins, called interveinal chlorosis, is a common symptom.

 Leaf necrosis: In severe cases, necrotic (dead) spots may appear on the leaves, reducing photosynthetic activity.

Symptoms of lack of potash on fruit

Lowering fruit size: Lack of potash reduces the size of fruits, which affects the market price of bananas. 

Uneven ripening: Fruits do not cook evenly, making it challenging for business producers.

Symptoms of lack of potash on stem and bunch

Stagnant growth: The overall growth of banana plants may stop, resulting in reduced yield.

Small flakes: Fruits become small and thin due to lack of potash.

Also read: Banana's sigatoka leaf spot disease, causes, symptoms, effects and various measures to manage

Symptoms of lack of potash at the root

The roots are less empowered due to weak cell walls and become more sensitive to diseases.

Management of lack of potash in banana plants

Management of lack of potash in banana plants includes a combination of potassium on soil and leaves as well as other agricultural functions to improve the absorption and use of potassium. Some measures are being suggested here to effectively manage the lack of potash, such as:

Soil testing

Start by testing soil to assess potassium levels in the soil. This will provide correct guidance regarding determining the severity of deficiency and using proper potassium fertiliser.

Fertiliser application

Use potassium -containing fertilisers, such as potassium sulphate (K2SO4) or potassium chloride (KCL), based on soil testing recommendations. Include potassium fertilisers in the soil during planting or during the development of bananas. Monitor soil pH, as highly acidic or alkaline soil can reduce the amount of potassium. Adjust the pH level if necessary.

Also read: Panama Wilt Disease has affected the banana crop in these areas of India.

Spraying on the leaves

In cases of severe shortage, spraying potassium on the leaves is a quick remedy. To protect the leaves from burning, dissolve potassium nitrate or potassium sulphate in water and apply it in the morning or afternoon. Apply organic wet grass around banana plants to preserve soil moisture and maintain soil temperature continuously. This improves potassium absorption by roots.

Balanced nutrition

Ensure that other essential nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), are also present in sufficient amounts to prevent the imbalance of nutrients. Bananas require 150-200 grams of nitrogen (n), 40-60 grams phosphorus (P2O5) and 200-300 grams of potash per plant on the basis of soil and variety. The use of one-fourth nitrogen (N) and one-third potash (K2O) in the time of flowering (reproductive phase) has been found to be beneficial. At the time of flowering, the use of nitrogen delays the ageing of the leaves and improves the weight of bunches and using a third potash improves finger filling. Using the total quantity of nitrogen and potassium into farming from a banana plant prepared by tissue enhancement provides maximum benefit by using the total amount of nitrogen and potassium such as the first planting, 45 days after planting, the third-90 days later, the fourth, the fourth -135 days later; 5th-180 days later. The entire amount of phosphorus fertiliser should be put at the time of last ploughing or while filling the pit.

Water management

Proper irrigation to avoid water stress, as drought conditions can increase potassium deficiency.

Also read: Learn about the characteristics and benefits of red banana

Crop circle

Change the banana crop with other plants to reduce the risk of lack of nutrients in the soil.

Disease and pest control

Immediately solve any disease or insect infection, as they can put pressure on the plant and obstruct the nutrients.

Harvesting and removing dead leaves

To promote the development of a healthy, potassium-efficient decnus, regularly damaged or sort dead leaves.

Monitoring and adjustment

Constantly monitor the plant's response to potassium treatments and adjust fertiliser experiments accordingly. Finally, it can be said that lack of potassium in banana plants has a significant negative effect on growth, fruit quality and yield. To overcome this deficiency and ensure a healthy and productive banana crop, timely diagnosis and proper management are necessary, including soil testing, fertiliser experiment and agricultural functions. By applying these strategies, banana producers customise potassium nutrition and get better overall plant health and fruit production.

Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Carrots are grown for consumption in raw form. Carrot is a very popular vegetable crop. Its root part is used by people for food. The upper part of the root is used to feed animals. Its raw leaves are also used to prepare vegetables. Various types of properties are present in carrots, due to which it is used in large quantities to make juice, salad, pickle, jam, vegetable, and carrot halwa.

It is very beneficial in increasing appetite and also for kidneys. The highest amount of Vitamin A is present in it. Along with this, an adequate amount of Vitamin B, D, C, E, and G is also present in it. Carrots contain an element called beta-carotene, which is very beneficial in the prevention of cancer. Earlier carrots were only red in color. But at present there are various improved varieties of carrots, in which yellow and light black colored carrots are also found. Carrots are grown in almost all areas of India.

Field preparation before carrot production

Before producing carrots, the field is deeply plowed in the best possible manner. Due to this, the old crops that remain present in the field are completely destroyed. After plowing, the field is plowed with water, which makes the soil moist. In moist soil, oblique plowing is done two to three times by using a rotavator. Due to this, the clods of soil present in the field soil get broken and the soil becomes brittle. The field is leveled by compacting the loose soil.

How much fertilizer should be given in the carrot field?

As we all know for the best yield of any crop, it is necessary to give an appropriate amount of fertilizer in the field. For this, after the first plowing of the field, up to 30 cartloads of old cow-dung manure has to be applied per hectare. Apart from this, at the time of final plowing of the field, 30 KG potash and 30 KG nitrogen have to be sprayed per hectare based on chemical fertilizer. Due to this, production is achieved in large quantities.

Also read: Carrot root disease and its remedies.

Time, method, and sowing of carrot cultivation

Carrot seeds are sown in seed form. For this, seeds are sprayed evenly on the ground. About 6 to 8 KG seeds are required in one-hectare field. Treat these seeds before planting them in the field. After sprinkling the seeds in the field, the field is lightly plowed. Due to this, the seed goes deeper into the field. After this, ridges are prepared in the form of beds using plow. After this, the crop is watered. Asian varieties of carrots are planted between August and October. Also, the sowing of European varieties is done between October to November.

When is the carrot crop irrigated?

The first irrigation of the carrot crop is done soon after seed transplantation. After this, initially, irrigation is done twice a week to keep the moisture in the field stable. At the same time, when the seeds come out of the ground, water them once a week. After one month, when the seeds start becoming plants, the plants have to be given less water. After this, when the roots of the plant become completely long, the amount of water has to be increased.

How is weed control done in carrot crops?

It is very important to control weeds in carrot crops. For this, weed control medicines are used only at the time of plowing the field. Even after this, if weeds are seen in the field, remove them from the field by weeding. During this time, if the roots of the plants become visible, the soil is covered over them.

Also read: Farmers can get good income by producing these major crops in the upcoming Rabi season.

What are the yield and benefits of carrots?

Based on good varieties of carrots, a high yield can be achieved, due to which farmers can get a production of about 300 to 350 quintals from one hectare field. There are some species which can yield only 100 quintals per hectare. By getting the produce in a short period, farmers also earn excellent profits. The market price of carrots is quite good in the beginning. If a farmer gets more production and sells carrots at a reasonable price, he can earn an income of up to Rs 3 lakh from one crop. Carrot cultivation is very beneficial for the farmers.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn a good income by cultivating many vegetables in one field. Farmer brothers can grow coriander, spinach, and tomato crops in one go.

Let us tell you about the intensity with which technology is developing. At the same pace, the use of new equipment and techniques in farming has also increased. If you also do farming, then the information provided here can be beneficial for you. A large population in India is dependent on agriculture. Because of this, India is also called an agricultural country. Changes with time have also made farming advanced. If farmers wish, they can earn good profits in a single crop. Many such vegetables give huge profits in a short time, especially include coriander, tomato, spinach, etc.

You can earn profits worth lakhs from vegetable farming

Talking about normal days, the price of tomato in the market is Rs 250 to 350 per carat. Farmers can earn lakhs of rupees in a year just by selling tomatoes. Also, if you cultivate and sell coriander, spinach, and chili, these will give you huge profits. Nowadays, horticulture crops are earning more income than traditional crops.

Also read: Farmer Shravan Singh became rich by producing horticulture crops.

Coriander-spinach production will yield good profits

Farmers can sow all these vegetables in the same field. These vegetables do not require much space. To earn a good income from these vegetables, farmers can plant coriander and spinach on the ridges of their fields. On the other side of the ridge, farmers can also cultivate tomatoes and chilies.

Farmers can also produce these vegetables

For your information, to earn a better income, farmers can grow many crops in the middle of the fields beside the ridges. Farmer brothers can grow okra, potato, cauliflower, and bitter gourd here. All these vegetables are sold in the market at good prices. If farmers follow all the points mentioned here, they can earn a handsome income.

 Detailed information related to potato cultivation

Detailed information related to potato cultivation

Potato crop is considered the king of vegetables. Potato is considered the base of almost every vegetable. Because of this, potato is considered the fourth most important vegetable in the world. After wheat, maize and paddy, potato is the most cultivated crop. Potato is also produced on a large scale. The biggest challenge faced by the potato producing farmers of India is that they are not able to get profit compared to the cost of producing potatoes. The solution to deal with this problem is to reduce costs by increasing production volume. For this, farmers should select high yielding varieties. Today we will give you information about those varieties of potatoes through this article. Varieties which give more production at less cost. This article will prove to be very beneficial for potato producing farmers.

Suitable time period for potato cultivation

The time for early sowing of potatoes is 15-25 September. At the same time, the appropriate time for sowing potatoes is considered to be from 15-25 October. Its late sowing time is between 15 November to 25 December.

Also read: the correct way of potato cultivation

Major improved varieties of potato are as follows

The early varieties of potato include Kufri Ashoka, Kufri Jawahar, Kufri Alankar, Kufri Pukhraj, Kufri Chandramukhi etc. Also, medium season varieties of potato are Kufri Satluj, Kufri Sadabahar, Kufri Bahar and Kufri Lalima etc. Apart from this, Kufri Sindhuri, Kufri Frysona and Kufri Badshah are its late maturing varieties.

Kufri varieties giving high yield in short period of time are as follows

There are many varieties of potatoes and their average production is considered to be 152 quintals per hectare. But, the production of Kufri variety is much higher than this. These Kufri varieties become ready in a time interval of 70 to 135 days. A production of 152 to 400 quintals can be obtained from these Kufri varieties. These Kufri varieties of potatoes are like this. 

Also read: new variety of potato developed by scientists in Bihar

Kufri Chandra Mukhi

This variety becomes ripe in 80 to 90 days. With this, a yield of 200 to 250 quintals per hectare can be obtained.

Kufri Navtal G 2524

This variety of potato prepares the crop in 75 to 85 days, from which a yield of 200 to 250 quintals per hectare can be obtained.

Kufri Jyoti

The crop from this variety of potato becomes ripe in 80 to 150 days. Production of 150 to 250 quintals per hectare can be achieved from this variety.

Kufri Lalima

The crop from this variety of potato is ready in just 90 to 100 days. This variety is also moderately resistant to early blight.

Kufri Shilman

This variety of potato crop is ripe in 100 to 130 days. With this, production up to 250 quintals per hectare can be achieved.

Also read: These varieties of potato not only give high yield but are also resistant to weather conditions. 

kufri gold

This variety of potato prepares the crop in 110 days. Potato yield up to 300 quintals per hectare can be obtained from this variety.

Kufri Sindhuri

This variety of potato prepares the crop in 120 to 125 days. A yield of 300 to 400 quintals per hectare of potato can be obtained from this variety.

Kufri Deva

This variety of potato becomes ripe in 120 to 125 days. With this, production of 300 to 400 quintals per hectare can be achieved.

hybrid varieties of potatoes


This variety prepares the crop in 135 days. This can yield a yield of 250 to 300 quintals per hectare. It has been considered more useful for UP, Haryana, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.

Also read: You'll be shocked to know the prices of these potatoes

Kufri Alankar

Many of these potato varieties have been developed by the Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla. The crop from this variety is ready in 70 days. With this, a yield of 200-250 quintals per hectare can be obtained. Let us tell you that this variety is resistant to late blight disease to some extent.

Kufri Jawahar JH 222

This variety of potato prepares the crop in 90 to 110 days. This variety is resistant to early blight and foam disease. This can yield a yield of 250 to 300 quintals per hectare.

New varieties of potatoes

Among the new varieties of potato, Kufri Chipsona-2, Kufri Giriraj, Kufri Chipsona-1 and Kufri Anand etc. are considered good varieties.

How and from where will potato seeds be available?

Farmers can buy seeds of three varieties of potatoes from Potato Technology Center Shamgarh District Karnal. From here farmers can get the seeds of potato Kufri, Pukhraj, Kufri Chipsona-1, Kufri Khyati. Potato seeds are produced by tissue culture. Virus free potato seeds can be produced by this method. One lakh micro plants are produced annually. Net house produces 5-6 lakh mini tubers. New varieties are tested with CPRI Shimla and International Potato Center Lima, Peru.

Scientific method of sowing in potato cultivation

First of all, plow the field in a better way with the help of tractor and cultivator. Also, make the field uniform by leveling it. After this, sow potato seeds with the help of potato planter. Let us tell you that this is a precision potato planting machine, which has been designed and manufactured with the help of global partner Delph. Its high level isolation does not allow the potato seeds to get damaged. It sows a single seed at one place. Its use results in quality and excellent yield of potatoes.

Use sprinkler and drip irrigation to irrigate potatoes

Potatoes require light irrigation. For this reason, farmers should use sprinkler and drip irrigation in potato cultivation. The first irrigation of potatoes is done after most of the plants have grown. At the same time, the second irrigation should be done 15 days later at the stage of formation or flowering of potatoes. Lack of water at the time of root formation and flowering has a very bad effect on production. In these conditions, irrigation should be done at an interval of 10 to 12 days. During potato cultivation, during irrigation in the field, it should be kept in mind that the drains should not be filled with water more than three-fourths of the height of the ridges.

Potato harvesting related information

For your information, let us tell you that crops with seeds of different varieties ripen completely in 70 to 135 days. Ripe potato crops should be dug when the peels of the potato tubers become hard. Potato digger is an important tool for farmers for digging potatoes. With its help, farmers can dig potatoes very easily in less time. Apart from this, with its help the potato comes out of the ground without any cut. Not only this, it not only pulls out the potatoes from the ground easily, it also removes the soil attached to it. In this way the best quality potatoes come out. This instrument can be used with a tractor to set an accurate depth.

Organic farming of potatoes and agricultural equipment used

Organic farming of potatoes is also done in India. Due to increasing demand for organic products, farmers' interest in organic farming of potatoes is increasing. Generally, due to lack of correct information, farmers are not able to get more production from organic farming of potatoes. In organic farming of potatoes, if special care is taken about sowing of potatoes and fertilizer in potatoes, there is a possibility of higher production. In potato cultivation, agricultural equipment such as tractor, cultivator, potato planter, potato digger are used, while sprinkler and drip irrigation equipment are used for irrigation.

 Dumba goat learn about the speciality and price of dumba goat.

Dumba goat learn about the speciality and price of dumba goat.

The price of a dumba goat is decided by its looks and its cleverness. A 2 month old can be sold for 30000 rupees and 3 to 4 month old could be sold for 70,000 rupees. Farmers can practice animal husbandry along with agriculture to increase their income. In animal husbandry you would have heard about Five mobile app for goat farming released by the government for goat rearing will prove to be very helpful in goat rearing

Dumba goats price in India Dumba is a type of Goat whose tail is circular and heavy. Because of this it has a high price. And that is why people like it a lot. Specifically, people prefer the male. The dumba gives birth to one offspring at a time. According to the demand in the market Guddu Ansari sells baby goats. It generally gives birth in the 9th month In the first two months itself the baby becomes 25 kgs. The price of a dumba goat is decided by its looks and its cleverness. A 2 month old can be sold for 30000 rupees and 3 to 4 month old could be sold for 70,000 rupees. The price of a dumba goat is not decided by its gender but by its abilities. Even though the female one is easily sold if it is capable of giving birth. A 1 year old dumba goat can weigh upto hundred kgs. 

 Also read : Goat rearing and newborn lamb care

How does Guddu arrange the fodder and does caretaking Guddu Ansari says that he feeds dumba goats on fodder and gram. In winter he feeds them gram and barley. Except for this to protect them from the cold, they use mustard oil.

Due to financial constraints, a woman farmer started mushroom cultivation, today she is earning profits worth lakhs.

Due to financial constraints, a woman farmer started mushroom cultivation, today she is earning profits worth lakhs.

Female farmer Sangeeta Kumari has said that in a poor state like Bihar, it is very important for women to be self-reliant. At present, many women of the state are creating their new identity by joining livelihood. Besides, she is also earning a good income from farming.

Women are also currently walking shoulder to shoulder with men in the state of Bihar. Now whether it is in the field of education or farming. Today women are making their place in every field. Today in this article we will give you information about a woman who is earning lakhs of rupees from vegetable farming. Nowadays this woman farmer is being discussed in all the areas of the district. The main thing is that this woman farmer cultivates green vegetables through the organic method. This is the reason why many people from other villages also come to buy vegetables from him.

The name of the female farmer is Sangeeta Kumari 

For your information, let us tell you that the name of this female farmer is Sangeeta Kumari. She is a native of Phulerpur village of Athamalgola block in Patna district. At present, Sangeeta Kumari is cultivating other green vegetables including mushrooms and potatoes with the help of zero tillage. Along with this, she is also training other women in farming. Sangeeta Kumari says, “Earlier I used to have a shortage of money to meet household expenses. I didn't even have a thousand rupees at that time. But, since I have taken up vegetable farming, their economic condition has changed. Today Sangeeta is earning more than two lakh rupees annually due to farming. Due to this, his family has also become very happy.

Also read: By cultivating these vegetables, farmers can earn more income at less expense and in less time.

Female farmer Sangeeta started mushroom cultivation 

Female farmer Sangeeta Kumari cultivates mushrooms, potatoes, and other crops in one bigha of land. Besides, he is also working on the post of Chief Minister in Jeevika. According to Sangeeta Kumari, her daughter got married in the year 2015. After this, the financial condition of his house became very bad. Now in such a situation, her husband started a job in a school at Rs 1500 per month. But, it was difficult to meet household expenses with so little money. In such a situation, after joining Jeevika in 2016, Sangeeta took training in cultivating mushrooms and other vegetables in 2019. After this, he came home and started mushroom cultivation. 

Also read: Blue mushroom cultivation started in the state, tribals are getting bumper profits

How much income is female farmer Sangeeta earning?

For the first time, he has earned Rs 10,000 by selling mushrooms. Also, potatoes have been grown in two pots through the zero tillage method. This yielded more than 40 maunds of potatoes. Sangeeta Kumari further says that along with cultivating potatoes in one bigha, she also produces other vegetables including tomato, cabbage, chili, and brinjal. Due to this, he is earning more than Rs 2 lakh in a year.

You can easily cultivate tea at your home.

You can easily cultivate tea at your home.

For your information, let us tell you that growing tea at home can prove to be a great option. You can grow it in your home and use it. Besides, you can also sell it. Tea lovers can be found in every house in India. These tea lovers must be drinking tea many times from morning till night. If you or someone in your house is a tea lover, then this news is very important for you. Today we will give you information about how you can grow ginger at home. Also, it can be used instead of bringing it from the market.

You can grow tea in your home garden with the help of seeds. To produce it, first, soak its seeds. Keep these seeds soaked in water until they germinate. If you do not want to grow tea plants with the help of seeds, you can also buy them from a nursery. It needs to be transplanted after bringing it from the nursery. You can use it after taking proper care of it.

These works are very important for tea production

Let us tell you that to get the best production of tea, you can bring its cuttings from anywhere and plant it. After taking better care, these plants establish themselves well in the soil in just a few days. Let us tell you that special care has to be taken about the temperature during its production. Tea crop grows best between 10 degrees to 35 degrees Celsius.

 Also read: Tea growers of Assam hope for normal tea production

It takes about one to one and a half years for the tea plants to become ready. Its leaves can be harvested thrice within a year. About 500 kg of tea is produced in one hectare of land. You can use tea in your home. If your garden is big, you can produce tea in large quantities, pack it, and sell it in the market.

Amount of fertilizer for Tea Cultivation

Tea plants require a lot of fertilizers. For this, while preparing the pits, around 15 kg of old cow dung and as chemical fertilizer, nitrogen 90 to 120 kg, single super phosphate 90 kg and potash 90 kg should be given to the plants per hectare. This amount of fertilizer should be given three times a year after harvesting the plants. Apart from this, if there is a lack of sulfur in the field, gypsum should be sprayed in the field in the beginning.

Detailed information related to flaxseed cultivation

Detailed information related to flaxseed cultivation

Today we are going to give you detailed information related to linseed crop. It is the sixth largest oilseed crop in the world. Seeing the benefits of flaxseed, the interest of farmers towards its cultivation is continuously increasing. Linseed is an important Rabi oilseed crop in India as well as a major source of oil and fiber. Linseed is cultivated in approximately 2.96 lakh hectares of land in India, which is 15 percent of the total area of ​​the world. In terms of linseed area, India ranks second in the world. At the same time, it ranks third in production and eighth in yield per hectare. For your information, let us tell you that this is the most important industrial oilseed crop of India. Its production also varies depending on different varieties of flaxseed. From this crop, 10 to 15 quintal production can be achieved per hectare of field. Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra are the major flax producing states. In India, flaxseed is mainly produced in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Bihar. Every part of flaxseed can be used in different forms, directly and indirectly. The oil extracted from flax seeds is not generally used as food. It is used in manufacturing medicines.

Selection of land for linseed cultivation

If you have decided to cultivate linseed, then first of all you will have to select the field i.e. land before sowing linseed. Please note that before sowing flaxseed, get the soil and water of your field tested. Black loamy soil is considered suitable for the cultivation of linseed. This soil is more fertile. Also, while preparing the land, keep in mind that the land has an excellent drainage system. This will also provide great convenience in irrigating the crops. Besides, crop production will also increase significantly.

Suitable climate for flax cultivation

Land with normal pH value is considered suitable for flaxseed. Cultivation of flaxseed requires a cold and dry climate. Linseed is cultivated mostly in the Rabi season in India. During this period the annual rainfall is between 50 to 55 centimeters. There, flaxseed can be cultivated successfully. For better germination of flaxseed, the temperature should be 25 to 30 degree centigrade and during seed formation the temperature should be 15 to 20 degree centigrade. Linseed requires high temperature, low humidity and dry environment at mature stage. Meaning that temperate climate is considered suitable for its cultivation. 

When is linseed sown

Farmers are advised to sow flax seeds in November in irrigated areas and in the first fortnight of October in non-irrigated areas. Apart from this, for Utera cultivation, sowing should be done 7 days before harvesting of paddy. Let us tell you that the Utera method is prevalent in the areas where paddy is grown. Linseed is sown in paddy fields with the aim of making proper use of moisture in paddy cultivation. In Utera method, linseed seeds are scattered in the field 7 days before harvesting the paddy crop. Due to this, flaxseed germinates even before the paddy is harvested. This has the advantage that the linseed crop gets ripe only due to the accumulated moisture. By sowing early, linseed crops can be protected from pod fly and powdery mildew etc.

Also read: All information related to paddy crop

Major improved varieties of linseed

Improved varieties of flaxseed are developed through agricultural research. Linseedi species have been divided into two parts, for non-irrigated areas and for irrigated areas, which are grown for higher production and to suit the climate. For irrigated areas – Suyog, JLS- 23, Pusa- 2, PKDL- 41, T- 397 etc. are the main varieties. These varieties have been developed for irrigated areas. These varieties can be grown in almost both the areas. If we talk about their production, it can be 13 to 15 quintals per hectare. For non-irrigated areas - Sheetal, Rashmi, Bharda, Indira Linseed- 32, JLS- 67, JLS- 66, JLS- 73 etc. are the main varieties. These varieties have been designed for cultivation in non-irrigated areas. The average height of the plants grown in these varieties is up to 2 feet. Also, the yield can be 12 to 15 quintals per hectare. Apart from the above mentioned varieties, there are many other improved varieties of flaxseed. Like - PKDL 42, Jawahar Alsi DR 552, J. l. S. - 27, LG 185, J. l. S. - 67, PKDL 41, Jawahar Alsi - 7, RL - 933, RL 914, Jawahar 23, Pusa 2 etc.

How to do seed treatment?

Linseed is sown in two ways. Seeds can be sown first through the drill method and second through the sprinkling method. For sowing of linseed through the drill method, seeds are required at the rate of 25 to 30 kg per hectare. In this method, the distance between row to row should be 30 cm and the distance from plant to plant should be kept 5 to 7 cm. The seeds should be sown in the ground at a depth of 2 to 3 centimeters. For Utera method, the rate of 40 to 45 kg seeds per hectare is considered good for sowing linseed. Before sowing, seeds should be treated with Carbendazim at the rate of 2.5 to 3 grams per kilogram of seed. Or the seeds should be sown after treating them with 5 grams of Trichoderma viride or 5 grams of Trichoderma harzianum and 2 grams of carboxin.

Also read: linseed cultivation can help financially

Field preparation for flax cultivation

For seed germination and proper crop growth in linseed cultivation, it is necessary that the field be prepared better before sowing. After harvesting, the land should be prepared by sprinkling 8 to 10 tonnes of rotted cow dung manure in the field per hectare and plowing it 2 to 3 times with a local soil turning plow or harrow. After this, the field should be leveled by hoeing, so that the moisture in the soil remains intact.

How to add fertilizer to your field? 

While preparing the land for linseed cultivation, apply cow dung manure at the rate of 8 to 10 tonnes per hectare by mixing it well in the soil during the last plowing. Along with this, for irrigated areas, use nitrogen at the rate of 100 kg, phosphorus at the rate of 75 kg per hectare. To get the best yield for non-irrigated areas, use Nitrogen at 50 kg. Phosphorus 40 kg. And 40 kg. potash. In non-irrigated condition, the entire amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash and in irrigated condition, half the amount of nitrogen and the entire amount of phosphorus is applied 2-3 cm deep through a cloth at the time of sowing. Use below. In irrigated conditions, the remaining half quantity of nitrogen should be applied as top dressing after the first irrigation.

How can farmers protect their linseed crops from diseases and pests?

In the cultivation of linseed, Alternaria blight, rust or ocher, uktha and bukni diseases occur. To prevent these diseases, spray Mancozeb in the crop at the rate of 2.5 kg per hectare 40 to 50 days after sowing. Spraying should be done at an interval of every 15 days, so that the disease does not occur. To prevent rust or ochre, soluble sulfur should be sprayed at the rate of 3 kg per hectare.

Also read: Helpline number for crop disease and pest infections

The linseed crop is infested by various types of insects like pod fly, caterpillar etc. Its adult insects are like small flies of dark orange color. These insects lay their eggs in the petals of flowers, due to which the flowers are unable to produce seeds in the plant. This insect affects production up to 70 percent. To prevent this, Monocrotophos 36 EC, 750 ml or Quinalphos 1.5 liters should be mixed in 900 to 1000 liters of water and sprayed per hectare.

How is linseed oil used in different ways?

Linseed is one of the important industrial oilseed crops of India. In India, linseed crop is produced for commercial purposes. It is cultivated as a fiber crop. The amount of oil in flax seeds is very high. But, its oil is not used for food but for making medicines. Apart from preparing varnishes, lubricants, paints, its oil is also used in preparing inks and ink pads for printing presses. M.P. In the Bundelkhand region of India, its oil is used for cooking, making soap and lighting lamps. Flax seeds are used as a poultice in boils and pimples. High quality fiber is obtained from flax stems. Besides, linen is also manufactured from fiber. Linseed cake is used as animal feed for milk-yielding animals. At the same time, due to the sufficient quantity of various plant nutrients in the cake cake, it is used as fertilizer.

Consuming flaxseed provides relief in many diseases.

Consuming flaxseed is very beneficial for health. Its seeds and its oil are beneficial in the prevention of many diseases. Linseed is the sixth largest oilseed crop in the world. It contains about 33 to 45 percent oil and 24 percent crude protein, making it a miraculous diet. Two essential fatty acids are found in it, alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid. If flaxseed is consumed regularly, many types of diseases like cancer, TB, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, joint pain etc. can be avoided. It increases the amount of good cholesterol in our body and is helpful in reducing the amount of triglyceride cholesterol. It prevents blood clots from forming in the arteries of our heart and also protects us from diseases like heart attack and stroke. It is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-cancer. Flaxseed contains about 28 percent fiber and it proves to be very beneficial for constipation patients.

Things to keep in mind during harvesting

Linseed crop is ready about 100 to 120 days after sowing. It should be harvested only when the linseed crop is completely dry and ripe. Threshing should be done soon after harvesting the crop. This will not cause much harm to its seeds. When linseed crop is cultivated using the above method, the production of different varieties varies. In first seed purpose irrigated condition, 12 to 15 quintals per hectare and in non-irrigated condition, 10 to 12 quintals per hectare and in two-purpose cumulated and non-irrigated condition, 20 to 23 quintals per hectare and 13 to 17 percent oil and 38 to 45 percent fiber. 

You can also earn lakhs of rupees by doing modern carrot farming.

You can also earn lakhs of rupees by doing modern carrot farming.

Carrots are cultivated all over India, people use carrots both raw and cooked, carrots contain Vitamin A and carotene, which are very beneficial for the body. Orange carrots are high in carotene, green carrot leaves contain many nutrients like protein, minerals, vitamins, etc. which provide nutrition to animals. Chicken fodder can be made from green carrot leaves. Carrots are grown the most in Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana.

Suitable climate for carrot cultivation.

Carrots are mostly grown in cold climates. Carrot growth slows down due to high temperatures and color changes. For this, sandy loam and loamy soil is best. Drainage of water in the soil is very important.

Also read: Agricultural scientists suggested new technology of foreign vegetable production for farmers living in hilly areas, definitely know this to earn better profits. 

Carrot Varieties

There are many varieties of carrots like Carrot No. 29, Pusa Kesar, Pusa Meghali, Selection 233, Gentney, Arliments, Emperor, Ments of Lag, Pusa Yamdagni and Gino.

Field Varieties

In preparation for the field for sowing carrots, the first plowing should be done with a soil-turning plow. After this, the field should be made friable by doing two to three plowings with a cultivator or local plow. 200 to 250 quintals of rotten cow dung should be mixed well in the land while preparing the field. By doing this, the yield of fruits is higher.

Seeds and Seed Sowing.

To cultivate carrots, seeds of improved varieties should be selected. In carrot farming, 5 to 6 kg seeds are required per hectare for sowing on ridges. Before sowing, it should be treated with 2.5 grams of Thiram per kg of seeds. Carrots are sown from August to October in Northern India. European varieties are sown in November. In hilly areas, sowing is done from March to June. It should be sown on lines or in ridges at a distance of 35 to 45 cm. The seeds should be sown at a depth of 1.5 to 2 cm, the height of the ridges should be kept at 20 to 25 cm and the distance from plant to plant should be kept at 4 to 5 cm. 

Manure and Fertilizer management in crops.

200 to 250 quintals of rotten cow dung should be given while preparing the field and 50 kg nitrogen, 40 kg phosphorus, and 45 kg potash should be given as elements per hectare. Half the quantity of nitrogen and the full quantity of phosphorus and potash should be given before sowing. The remaining half quantity of nitrogen is given to the standing crop twice. 1/4 quantity of nitrogen should be given initially at the time of growth of leaves and 1/4 quantity of nitrogen should be given at the time of growth of roots.

Also read: Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Crop Irrigation Management.

After sowing, first irrigation should be done in the drain so that moisture remains in the ridges. Later irrigation should be done at an interval of 8 to 10 days. In summer, irrigation should be done at an interval of 4 to 5 days. The field should never dry up, otherwise the yield reduces.

Weed Control.

2 to 3 weeding should be done in the entire crop, at the same time thinning should be done and a distance of 4 to 5 cm should be maintained from the plants. To control weeds, a 3.5-liter stamp should be sprayed in the field immediately after sowing, while there should be sufficient moisture in the field. 

Also read: Carrot root disease and its remedies

Carrot and digging production.

Only when the roots of a carrot become edible, it should be dug with a trowel so that the roots are not cut and the quality remains good so that it can get a good price in the market. It should be cleaned and sold in the market. The yield of roots in carrots depends on the variety, such as the Asiatic type yields 250 to 300 quintals per hectare and the European type yields 100 to 150 quintals per hectare.